Volume 2, No. 2 April 1983

Bristlecone Chapter
Dedicated to the Preservation of the California Native Flora




The next meeting will be May 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Superintendent of Schools building in Independence. The program will be slides of the DeDecker's recent trip to Costa Rica.
President's message:

A highlight in our area since the last newsletter was the Congressional Field Hearing March 29 in Lee Vining for Congressman Lehman's bill, H.R. 1341. This would establish a Mono Lake National Monument. As reported in the local media the event was well attended and provided the opportunity for the public to participate in a federal legislative process which few of us otherwise enjoy. This was a formal Congressional Hearing conducted under the usual house rules. Testimony differed widely, from proposing no action to advocating wider protection than called for in the bill. Your CNPS Chapter was well represented. Four members spoke in favor of the bill, none opposed. Your president was the only one speaking for the Chapter and CNPS. It was a fulfilling experience. I was glad to be there to represent CNPS and, I hope, each one of you in urging the establishment of the Mono Lake National Monument.

---Vince Yoder


The main objective of the May 28-30 field trip will be the Eureka Dunes. The group will camp there Saturday night. Photography should be at its best that evening. The Sunday night campsite will depend on the wishes of the group since there are several interesting alternatives. These will be dry camps, so bring plenty of water. Tents or camp cots are recommended for those who do not sleep in vehicles. Bring sun-screen lotion and insect repellent. Be prepared for cold nights. Part of the route will be on graded gravel roads. Four-wheel drive vehicles will not be necessary, but if there are enough of them to transport the group to Dedeckera canyon that would provide a special treat in a rare plant habitat.
The Eureka Dunes and Last Chance Mountains are rich in endemics and other relatively rare plants, as well as providing beautiful scenes. Two of California's federally listed plants, the Eureka dune-grass (Swallenia alexandrae) and the Eureka primrose (Oenothera avita ssp. eurekensis are endemic to the dunes. These are featured in the March 1983 issue of the Endangered Species Technical Bulletin published by U.S. Fish and Wildlife.

The group will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the intersection north of Big Pine, by the little campground. Late comers may procede to the dunes as follows: hive east from the intersection and take the first right fork beyond the river, follow the Waucoba Road to the top of the grade where it becomes

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the Loretto Road (do not take the right fork), continue on the main road through Little Cowhorn Valley and Joshua Flats, turning up over Lime Hill and then descending Loretto Wash to Eureka Valley, continuing across the valley. Just before reaching the Last Chance Mountains, the Eureka 'Dunes Road turns right, running southward about 10 miles to the dunes. It is about 50 miles from Big Pine. Be sure to start out with plenty of gas for the entire trip.


Two serious threats to remote plant habitats in Inyo County have come to light, both within the California Desert District. They are:

(1) California's only population of Astragalus lentiginosus var. sesquimetralis, the Sodaville milk-vetch, ig undoubtedly be wiped out 17 a proposed millsite is permitted at Sand Springs. This is in the upper Death Valley drainage, outside the monument. The plant is thought to be a relic of the Pleistocene Epoch, along with the pupfish, which has developed in isolation. Two more populations are known in neighboring Nevada. (Variety piscinensis, very close to ~sesquimetralis, was discovered in a similar habitat at Fish Slough in 1974.) The proposed millsite would be located right on the heart of the rare plant population. It would finish the destruction by drawing water from the pond for its operation. Sand Springs has been designated by BLM as an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC). This has been supported by the Inyo County Planning Department. Under the present administration, however, mining seems to have priority over all else. (Those of us who live in Inyo County have observed that only a small percentage of such mining ventures ever produce.)

(2) We who opposed plans by the Keynot Mine to build a road traversing a very steep slope of bristlecone pine forest were much relieved when the road project was dropped. The operation is to be done by helicopter. But now a more serious threat has appeared. The mining company plans to take the water flowing from Cove Springs and transport it over the ridge in a 6-inch pipeline to the Keynot Mine. Cove Spring is in the Beveridge Canyon drainage. Its water joins the flow in that canyon at a place enclosed by cliffs,making the finest aquatic unit in all of the Inyo Mountains. The loss of that water would mean an environmental disaster, one which cannot be justified in a true weighing of values. Each spring in a desert range is a center of life, and this one supports an outstanding habitat. The Inyo County Planning Department has not required an amended application for the taking of this water, even-tTough it means taking the flow from another canyon. (The original plan stated that the water needs would be met by using water at the mine site.) The attitude is that the effect of the diversion is unknown to Planning Department personnel who have not visited that remote place; therefore they feel no obligation to be concerned. This entire area on the east side of the range is under consideration for wilderness. This may be the real motivation for development.
Those of you who feel that these desert springs are worth the effort are urged to write to BLM at the Ridgecrest Resource Area, 1415A North Norma Street, Ridgecrest, CA. 93555. Also to the Inyo County Planning Department, Drawer L, Independence, CA. 93526. It would be well, also, to write to Miss Katherine Domeny, Division of Water Rights, State Water Resources Control Board, 77 Cadillac Drive, Sacramento, CA. 95825, to ask that Application 27627 on Cove Spring be denied. Each letter has value, whether it is to support a local official stand or to express opposition.

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1. Abronia turbinata. Sand verbena.
2. Allonia incarnata. Windmills.
3. Antirrhinum kingii. Least snapdragon.
4. Asclepias erosa. Desert milkweed.
5. Astragalus lentiginosus var. micans. Eureka milk-vetch.
6. Astragalus sabulonum. Sand rattleweed.
7. Atriplex canescens. Four-wing saltbush.
8. Atriplex confertifolia. Shadscale.
9. Atriplex polycarpa. Allscale.
10. Atriplex arqentea ssp. arqentea. Low silverscale.
11. Baileya pleniradiata. Woolly marigold.
12. Bouteloua barbata. Six-weeks grama.
13. Camissonia claviformis ssp. funerea. Brown-eyed primrose.
14. Camissonia claviformis ssp. lancifolia. Inyo-Mono yellow primrose.
15. Caulanthus cooperi. Cooper caulanthus.
16. Chaetadelpha wheeleri. Dune broom.
17. Chamaesyce micromeria. Sonoran sand-mat.
SY=Euphorbia micromera.
18. Chamaesyce ocellata. Valley spurge.
SY=Euphorbia ocellata var. arenicola.
19. Chenopodium incanum. Hoary goosefoot.
20. Cleome sparsifolia. Naked cleome.
21. Corispermum hyssopifolium. Bugseed.
22. Cryptantha circumscissa. Capped forget-me-not.
23. Cryptantha micrantha. Purple-rooted forget-me-not.
24. Dicoria canescens ssp. clarkae. Clark dicoria.
25. Eriogonum inflatum. Desert trumpet.
26. Eriogonum insigne. Ladder buckwheat.
27. Eriogonum maculatum. Spotted buckwheat.
28. Eriogonum reniforme. Kidney-leaved buckwheat.
29. Eriogonum trichopes. Little trumpet.
30. Erioneuron pulchellum. Fluff grass.
31. Gilia campanulata. Bell gilia.
32. Gilia leptomeria. Sand gilia.
33. Hymenoclea salsola. Cheesebush.
34. Kochia americana. Gray molly.
35. Larrea tridentata. Creosote bush.

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 36. Malacothrix sonchoides. Yellow saucers.
 37. Nama demissum. Purple mat.
 38. Oenothera avita ssp. eurekensis. Eureka primrose.
 39. Oenothera primiveris. Large yellow evening primrose.
 40. Opuntia basilaris. Beavertail cactus.
 41. Oryzopsis hymenoides. Indian rice-grass.
 42. Pectis papposa. Chinch weed.
 43. Psathyrotes annua. Fan-leaf, turtleback.
 44. Psorothamnus arborescens var. minutifolius. Indigo bush.
 SY= Dalea fremontii .
 45. Psorothamnus polydenius var. polydenius. Dotted dalea.
 S Dalea polyadenia.
 46. Salsola paulsenii. Barbwire Russian thistle.
 47. Sphaeralcea ambigua. Apricot mallow.
 48. Stanleya pinnata ssp. inyoensis. Inyo desert-plume.
 49. Stephanomeria pauciflora. Desert milk-aster.
 50. Suaeda torreyana. Inkweed.
 51. Swallenia alexandrae. Eureka dune-grass.
 52. Tiquilia plicata. String plant.
 SY = Coldenia plicata.

NOTE: Remember to take this list on the May 28-30 Field Trip.


The following quotation by L. A. S. Johnson, Director and Chief Botanist, Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney, Australia, is from a preface to a flora. "On the local front, resist by all legal means the unnecessary fouling of gullies by residential or other development at their heads, leading to mineral enrichment and choking by weeds. Resist 'reclaiming' (a profoundly dishonest word) of swamps. Prevent building on headlands and unnecessary artificial revegetation of sand-dunes. Oppose clearing, mowing, planting of roadsides; let the native vegetation or even harmless 'weeds' grow--they will support a rich life of invertebrate animals and some birds and other vertebrates." "On the broad front--the message has already been preached--respect man but do not worship him or the gods he has made in his image to favour his expansion at the worlds expense. Above all, remember and convince others that more people does not mean better people or a better world. If those who see these truths and care about them succeed, your grandchildren may yet survive and so may our distant relatives, the plants you admire in this book." We regret that space does not permit quoting the entire preface. Dr. Johnson's admonitions reflect grave concerns which have worldwide significance.

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Albert, Carroll Star Route 97-K (619)873-5841
Big Pine, CA 93513
Alcorace, Paul & Dorothy P.O. Box 942 (619)876-4390
Lone Pine. CA 93545
Appling, Donna 1325 Charles Dr. (702)322-0880
Reno, NV 89509
Anderson, Elizabeth Star Route 2, Box 170 (619)876-5882
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Babb, David E. P. O. Box 1512 (619)873-7444
Bishop, CA 93514
Brichaga, Irene P. O. Box 154 (619)876-4527
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Butterworth, Edward 9300 Sante Fe Springs Rd.
Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670
Cholewa, Frances Route 1, Box K-32 (619)872-1873
Bishop, CA 93514
Connable, Katharine G. P.O. Box 487 (619)878-2062
Independence, CA 93526
Dawson, Margaret & Burrell P. O. Box 536 (619)876-5470
Lone Pine, CA 93545
DeDecker, Mary & Paul P.O. Box 506 (619)878-2389
Independence, CA 93526
Edell, John 3060 Indian Cr. Dr. (619)873-4625
Bishop, CA 93514
Enfield, Rollin 0. Route 2, Box 150-A (619)873-2318
Bishop, CA 93514
Fredendall, Doris P.O. Box 146 (619)938-2787
Big Pine, CA 93513
Gaines, David P.O. Box 119 (619)647-6386
Lee Vining, CA 93541
Gann, Earl & Carolyn Route 2, Box 38 R (619)387-2281
Bishop, CA 93514
Gardiner, Pam 386 May Street (619)873-4796
Bishop, CA 93514

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Garrett, Stuart 361 NE Franklin
Bend, OR 97701
Gilchrist, Betty & Allen Route 2, Box 89 (619)876-4517
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Hoffman, Walt P.O. Box 944 (619)933-2318
Benton, CA 93512
Hopkins, Heidi P.O. Box 296 (916)694-2466
Markleeville. CA 96120
Howard, Ann N. 1101 Dryden Rd. (607)273-6912
Ithaca, NY 14850
Jaques, Dennis 858 Handsworth Rd. (604)980-9675
North Vancouver, BC
Canada V7R2A2
Johanson, Ed P.O. ' Box 865
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
Jolley, Leonard c/o USDA Soil Conservation (619)872-6111
136 Edward Street
Bishop, CA 93514
Kerbavaz, Joanne 475 A N. 3rd Street (619)873-7436
Bishop, CA 93514
Larson, Enid P.O. Box 265 (619)938-2560
Big Pine, CA 93513
Leddy, Matthew 1690 Naomi Court (415)366-3620
Redwood City, CA 94061
Lemon, Louise P.O. Box 415 (619)934-8674
Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
Lynch, Carolyn P.O. Box 221 (619)876-5480
Lone Pine, CA 93545
McConnell, Ann Star Route 2, Box 98 (619)876-5394
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Mohlenbrock, Robert Botany Department (618)549-1884
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL 62901
Mooney, Melissa P.O. Box 8451
Reno, NV 89507
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Mosher, Ray 2006 Van Loon Lane (619)873-4353
 Bishop, CA 93514
Neal, Paul 467 S. Fowler #C (619)873-6023
 Bishop, CA 93514
Niday, Michael & Jodi Marie P.O. Box 629
 Minden, NV 89423
Nikolaus, Evelyn-Mae P.O. Box 396 (619)878-2149
Independence, CA 93526
Norris, Larry Ash Mtn; Box 215 (209)565-3341
 Three Rivers, CA 93271 Ext. 35
Novak, Patti P.O. Box 1601 (619)873-8094
 Bishop, CA 93514
Pinzl, Ann 4020 Hobart Road
Carson City, NV 89701
Prather. Michael & Nancy P.O. Box 406 (619)876-5807
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Rowlands, Peter 513 Cottonwood Drive (619)375-8677
 Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Sanchez, Peter Death Valley National Monument (619)786-2331 P. O. Box 276 Death Valley, CA 92328
Saunders, Cathy 432 Merrill Hall (801)752-5723
 Logan, UT 84321
Stolaroff, Myron & Jean P.O. Box 742 (619)876-5762
 Lone Pine, CA 93545
Swingler, Richard & Norma 18440 Kingsport Drive (213)454-1530
 Malibu, CA 90265
Tarble, Jan P.O., Box 193
 Shoshone, CA 92384
Taton, Vickie P.O. Box 7822 (619)934-8354
 Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546
Teare, Kathy 2410 NW Dixon Street
 Corvallis, OR 97330
Tiehm, Jerry 790 N. Maddux Drive (702)322-8380
 Reno, NV 89512
Trowell, Clark P.O. Box 687 (619)876-4476
 Lone Pine. CA 93545
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Walter, Jeanne P.O. Box 253 (619)873-4755
Bishop, CA 93514
Wickman, Judy Star Route Box 20 (619)878-2012
Independence, CA 93526
Wylie, KC P. O. Box 775 (619)876-5542
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Wylie, Lawrence RFD 1,- Box K-11 (619)873-3694
Bishop, CA 93514
Yoder, Vincent & Ann P.O. Box 330 (619)876-4275
Lone Pine, CA 93545

New members on the roster are Ann N. Howald, Matthew Leddy, Richard and Norma Swingler, and Lawrence Wylie. We extend a warm welcome.