Vol. 1, No. 1 April 1982

Bristlecone Chapter
Dedicated to the Preservation of the California Native Flora






Vol. 1, No. 1 April 1982

This brief newsletter is an introduction to the new CNPS Chapter in the Inyo-Mono region of Eastern California. The organizational meeting was held March 31, 1982, in Independence. Appropriately, the name selected to represent the region was "BRISTLECONE CHAPTER". The following officers were elected:

 President: Vincent Yoder
 P. O. Box 330, Loire Pine, CA. 93545 876-4275.

 Vice-president: Frances Cholewa
 Route 1, Box K-32, Bishop, CA. 93514 872-1873

 Secretary-Treasurer: Betty Gilchrist
 Route 2, Box 89, Lore Pine, CA. 93545 876-4517

Chairmen appointed to date are:

 Membership: Kay C. Wylie
 P. 0. Box 775, Lone Pine, CA. 93545 876-5543

 Publicity and Newsletter: Mary DeDecker

 P. 0. Box 506 Independence, CA. 93526 878-2389


May 1 . Field trip to Mazourka Canyon east of Independence. Participants will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Duncan-Shell corner where Citrus Road (Mazourka Canyon Road) runs east from Highway 395 at the south edge of Independence. Take lunch and water, notebook and pencil, and a hand lens for added enjoyment. Leader-M. DeDecker.

May 26. Regular meeting , County School's Conference Room, Independence, at 7:30 P.m. (In back of Austin's Store). A short business meeting will be followed by a slide presentation by Joan Benner on the Bristlecone pine in the White Mountains, a beautiful and informative program.

A joint field trip with the Marin Chapter is being considered for August 28-29. This will be to the Bristlecone pines in the White Mountains. Definite plans to be announced later.

A bristlecone logo is being prepared by Frances Cholewa. You may look forward to showing it off on T shirts before the summer's end.