Volume 1 No. 3 August 1982

Bristlecone Chapter
Dedicated to the Preservation of the California Native Flora



This issue of our newsletter was delayed (longer than we expected) to show off our new logo. We hope you like it.

T-shirts have been ordered. There is the possibility that they will be here for the next meeting.

President's message:

We missed you!--at the great weekend campout to visit the bristlecones, a joint trip with the Marin Chapter. Field trips are for everyone, even those who have been to the area before. There is always something new to see, learn and do--and interesting new people to meet. Congratulations to Marin-they had more people present than we did.

We are glad to report that our logo is now in our hands ready for use. Thanks are due Frances Cholewa for her efforts to speed up the artist.
Mike Prather of Lone Pine has consented to be our Field Trip Chairman. I'm sure his familiarity with the two counties will produce some inspirational trips.
Thank you, Mike.

Vince Yoder


Our next regular meeting will be in Bishop, Bank of America building at 536 North Main Street, at 7:30 sharp on Wednesday, September 29. Mr. Mark Gish, Supervisory Range Conservationist with BLM, will be our guest speaker. He will describe the Bureau's range management policies and their impact upon the plant communities involved. Whis should be of interest to all of us. Parking is provided at the back of the lot.


We like to report the kind of cooperation we received from the Forest Service this summer. Our president, Vince Yoder, on behalf of the Bristlecone Chapter, expressed concern over trampling of springs by cattle grazing under permit in the White Mountains. He asked that we be allowed to participate in a plan to protect any spring affected. These turned out to be Montenegro and Black Canyon springs. Afield trip with District Ranger Dennis Orbus and Permit Officer Kathy Nolan resulted in plans to protect the spring habitats. They would also provide a source of good water for human use. Montenegro Spring, which receives the most impact, will be fenced and water piped to a trough for cattle. The more remote Black Canyon Spring will be fenced, also, if it is found to be used. We appreciate such positive response on the part of the Inyo National Forest.


A book long overdue is A CHECKLIST OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS OF DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL MONUMENT by Larry L. Norris. Mr. Norris has been a seasonal ranger for the National Park Service and is a member of our Bristlecone Chapter. The book is conveniently small in size and yet is a complete list of every plant known to occur in Death Valley National Monument. The author has searched out data from every available source and has updated the nomenclature, so the book is valuable as a current reference as well as being an excellent field list. No botanist should be caught in Death Valley without it. It is available at the local visitors' centers.


Nearly 50 people braved the elements to participate in the joint field trip of August 27-29. As one participant exclaimed, "The Bristlecone Chapter certainly starts things off with a bang!" Friday night, after all were snugly tucked away in their tents, a spectacular electrical display jolted everyone awake. Lightning lit the sky and thunder crashed almost continuously for five hours, while an inch of rain fell on the camp. There was little sleep, and consideralbe aprehension over the frequent instant thunder of near strikes. But morning dawned on a beautiful world. All were eager for a day in the bristlecone pine forest. The group took the four mile loop trip to the Methuselah Grove, an outstanding route through typical bristlecone country, photographing and noting plants along the way. Although the storm returned to pelt us with rain and hail, it hardly dampened our spirits. An informative talk by a Forest Service Ranger was enjoyed before returning to camp. A calm evening allowed pleasant socializing and a good campfire. Seven CNPS chapters were represented and NNPS of Nevada, so there was a good exchange of information and camaraderie.

Plants observed along the trail were:

APIACEAE. Parsley Family.

Lomatium foeniculaceum ssp. fimbriatum (L. MacDougallii). White Mountain parsley

ASTERACEAE. Sunflower Family.

Artemisia arbuscula. Dwarf sagebrush.

Artemisia nova. Broom sagebrush.

Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus. Curly rabbitbrush.

Circium nidulum. Red thistle.

Erigeron clokeyi. Clokey daisy.

Haplopappus acaulis. Limestone aster.

Haplopappus macronema. Whitestem goldenbush.

Hymenopappus filifolius var. nanus. Inyo cutleaf.

Hymenoxys cooperi var, canescens. Gray goldenflower.

Leucelene ericoides. Heath daisy.

Machaeranthera shastensis var. montana. Mountain sticky-aster.

Senecio multilobatus. Basin senecio.

Tetradymia canescens. Gray horsebrush.

BORAGINACEAE. Borage or Forget-me-not Family.

Cryptantha confertiflora. Golden forget-me-not.

Cryptantha flavoculata. Sulphur-throated forget-me-not.

BRASSICACEAE. Mustard Family.

Streptanthus cordatus. Pinyon streptanthus.

CAPRIFOLIACEAE. Honeysuckle Family.

Symphoricarpos longiflorus. Desert snowberry.


Arenaria kingii ssp. compacts. Compact sandwort.

EPHEDRACEAE. Ephedra Family.

Ephedra viridis. Green ephedra, Indian tea.

FABACEAE. Pea Family.

Astragalus kentrophyta var. danaus. Alpine prickly milkvetch.

Astragalus lentiginosus var. semotys. Little paper-pod.

Lupinus argenteus var, tenellus. Limestone lupine.

LAMIACEAE. Mint Family.

Salvia dorrii var. dorrii. Great Basin blue sage.

LINACEAE. Flax Family.

Linum lewisii. Blue flax.

NYCTAGINACEAE. Four-0'Clock Family.

Abronia nana ssp. covillei. Limestone verbena.

ONAGRACEAE. Evening Primrose Family.

Oenothera caespitosa ssp. crinita. Limestone primrose.

PINACEAE. Pine Family.

Pinus flexilis. Limber pine.

Pinus longaeva. Bristlecone Pine.

Pinus monophylla. Pinyon.

POACEAE. Grass Family.

Muhlenbergia richardsonis. Mat muhly.

Oryzopsis hymenoides. Indian ricegrass.

Poa secunda (P. incurva and P. nevadensis). Inland bluegrass.

Stipa comata. Needle and thread grass.


Ipomopsis congesta ssp. montana. White globe-gilia.

Leptodactylon pungens ssp. hallii. Prickly phlox.

POLYGONACEAE. Buckwheat Family.

Eriogonum esmeraldense. Esmeralda buckwheat.

Eriogonum gracilipes. Rasberry buckwheat.

ROSACEAE. Rose Family.

Cercocarpus intricatus. Little-leaf mahogany.

Cercocarpus ledifolius. Mountain mahogany.

Chamaebatiaria millefolium. Desert-sweet, fern bush.

Petrophytum caespitosum. Rock-spirea.

SAXIFRAGACEAE. Saxifrage Family.

Ribes cereum. Wax currant.

SCROPHULARIACEAE. Figwort or Snapdragon Family.
Castilleia applegatei var. fragilis (C. pinetorum). Curly-leaf paintbrush.

Castilleia martinii var. clokeyi. Clokey paintbrush.

Cordylanthus kingii ssp. helleri (C. helleri). Heller bird's-beak.

Penstemon scapoides. Westgard penstemon.


As if to keep us alert, the botanists keep changing names of the plants just when we have learned them. Here are some which concern us in Inyo-Mono. Undoubtedly there will be differences of opinion as to the acceptance of some of them. Former names, listed alphabetically, are followed by the new ones. Former common names are retained.

Dalea fremontii = Psorothamnus arborescens var. minutifolius. Small indigo bush, blister-dalea.

Dalea polyadenia = Psorothamnus polydenius. Dotted dalea.

Calochortus nuttallii var. bruneanis = Calochortus bruneanis. Sego lily.

Cordylanthus canescens = C. maritimus ssp. canescens. Alkali bird's-beak.

Cornus stolonifera = C. sericea ssp. sericea. American dogwood.

Eriophyllum wallacei = Antheropeas wallacei. Easter bonnets.

Euphorbia albomaraginata = Chamaesyce albomarginata. Rattlesnake weed.

Euphorbia fendleri = Chamaesyce fendleri. Fendler spurge.

Euphorbia maculata = Chamaesyce maculata. Spotted spurge.

Euphorbia micromera = Chamaesyce micromera. Sonoran sandmat.

Euphorbia ocellata var. arenicola = Chamaesyce ocellata. Valley spurge.

Euphorbia parishii = Chamaesyce parishii. Parish spurge.

Euphorbia vallis-mortae = Chamaesyce vallie-mortae. Indian spurge.
Habenaria dilatata var. leucostachys = Platanthera dilata var. leucostachys. White rein orchid

Habenaria sparsifolia = Platanthera sparsiflora var. sparsiflora. Green canyon orchid.

Haplopappus brickellioides = Hazardia brickellioides. Holly goldenbush.

Haplopappus cooperi = Ericameria cooperi. Cooper goldenbush.

Haplopappus cuneatus = Ericameria cuneata. Cliff goldenbush.

Haplopappus larcifolius = Ericameria larcifolia. Turpentine bush.

Haplopappus linearifolius = Ericameria linearifolia. Showy goldenbush.

Haplopappus nanus = Ericameria nana. Dwarf goldenbush.

Kalmia polifolia var. microphylla = Kalmia microphylla var. microphylla. Alpine laurel.

Lupinus dedeckerae = L. padre-crowleyi. DeDecker lupine.

Lupinus kerrii = L. maqnificus var. glarecola. Kerr lupine.

Lygodesmia spinosa = Stephanomeria spinosa. Wool-cache plant.

Machaeranthera tortifolia = Xylorhiza tortifolia. Mojave aster.

Pluchea serecea = Tessaria sericea. Arrowweed.

Populus trichocarpa = P. balsamfera ssp. trichocarpa. Black cottonwood.

Potentilla saxosa ssp, sierrae = P. saxosa. Rock potentilla.

Salvia dorrii ssp. arqentea = S. dorrii var. dorrii. Great Basin Blue Sage.

Salvia dorrii ssp. dorrii = S. dorrii var. dorrii. Great Basin blue sage.

Salvia dorrii ssp. gilmanii,= S. dorrii var. dorrii. Great Basin blue sage.

NOTE: The common one along the base of the Sierra is the newly named S. dorrii
var. pilosa. Hairy blue sage.

Tanacetum canum = Sphaeromeria cana. Mountain tansy.

Vaccinium nivictum = V. caespitosum var. paludicola. Sierra bilberry.


As veteran members of CNPS know, a major focus of the organization has been on rare plants. The present INVENTORY OF RARE AND ENDANGERED VASCULAR PLANTS OF CALIFORNIA is the result of years of work and ongoing sorting out headed by the Rare Plant Committee. The 1980 Inventory and its two supplements (1981 and 1982) may be obtained through the CNPS office at 2380 Ellsworth Street, Suite D, Berkeley 94704. Plans call for a new up-dated book, however, early in 1984. A recent meeting of the CNPS Rare Plant Committee, held August 14 at Davis, was attended by Mary DeDecker, a member of that committee. The rare plants of InyoMono will be discussed in another issue. It is anticipated that our new chapter can contribute some valuable input on the rare and sensitive species east of the Sierra.


Since our June newsletter the following members have joined our chapter: Donna Appling, Reno; Melissa Mooney, Reno; Ann Pinzl, Carson City; Kathy Tease, Lee Vining; Inyo County Free Library in Independence; Inyo County Free Library in Lone Pine; and David Babb, Bishop. Welcome all!

In response to requests for the Bristlecone Newsletter by members of other chapters, we have arrived at a subscription price of $2.50 per year. We plan to put out six issues on alternate months. The price should cover ail costs, including mailing. As much as we would like to send it free of charge, cold reality prevents such generosity. Orders should be sent to Mary DeDecker, Editor, P. 0. Box 506, Independence, CA. 93526.