Volume 2, No. 1 February 1983
NEXT MEETING Since the next meeting was planned for Death Valley, a decision has been made to make it a week end campout in Greenwater Valley. It is scheduled for March 18-19 to avoid Easter week. The time and place will be announced through the local news media. Or call Vince Yoder (619) 876-4275 for information. It will be a dry camp. Be prepared for chilly evenings. President's message: We are reminded regularly of the "inalienable" rights of people. Seldom though do we think of, hear of, or even acknowledge that other living members of our biosphere may have "rights" also. We gather large bouquets of wild flowers, carve our initials upon trees, plink at ground squirrels, "develop" streams, "improve" roads, drive over rodent holes, destroy plant cover, etc., etc.-- all without regard for other living companions with which 'we share this small planet. Since they are unable to plead their own cases, people must assume responsibility for their welfare. We must not forget that all forms of life are interdependent. Each one of us can help raise the level of concern in our own communities if we choose to do so. CNPS members are dedicated to the preservation of the native flora, a basic part of the natural system. ---Vince Yoder OUR ACTIVE MEMBERS We are pleased to welcome Jodi Marie and Michael Niday of Minden, Nevada as new members. Peter Rowlandshas been appointed to fill a vacancy on the CNPS Rare Plant Advisory Committee. His understanding of the desert will be of great value. Vince Yoder has the distinction of discovering the first known occurrence of Toxicodendron diversilobum (Rhus diversiloba), better known as "poison Page 2 oak", in our region. When he failed to recognize it in winter dormancy it readily produced proof that it was potent even then. He assures us that one would really have to search for it in its protected location in the Alabama Hills, so there is little risk for the usual hiker. It is very unlikely that it could survive the cold winters of the eastern Sierra canyons. COMING EVENTS The following field trips are contemplated and will be announced in detail as plans are finalized. --An April trip to Fossil Falls and the Little Lake area. This trip may occur before the next newsletter, so get details from the local news media or call Mike Prather (619) 876-5807 or Vince Yoder 876-4275. EXOTIC PLANTS IN DEATH VALLEY Contributed by Mike Prather Exotic plants in Death Valley National Monument are to be removed according to the final EIS of the Natural and Cultural Resources Management Plan. Two species of tamarisk (athel and salt cedar), Russian thistle, two species of palm, and an aquatic hornwort are to be elimated or controlled in an effort to restore historically natural areas. Page 3 CALTRANS SHARES OUR CONCERNS John A. Edell, Chief - Environmental Branch The Environmental Branch of the California Department of Transportation, District 9 (Bishop), needs your help. We must, to the best of our ability, see that no work done by, at the request of, or with the permission of District 9 damages or seriously threatens any sensitive environmental resource. We have located about a dozen sensitive areas adjacent to state highways in our district and believe there must be more. The more we know about the nature and location of sensitive resources in our district, the better we can protect them. Ours is a large transportation district extending from south of Mojave to the Nevada state line at Topaz Lake and from the crest of the Sierra east through Death Valley to the Nevada state line, with a few short extensions to the other side of the Sierra. This area includes more and a greater variety of sensitive environmental resources than any other part of the state. If you can and would like to help us, let me know. I will send you a map showing the limits of our district, the official State and Federal lists of rare and endangered plants and animals and the Federal list of candidate plant species. (The CNPS inventory is the State list of candidate species.) What we need from you is the nature and location (as precisely as possible) of any sensitive environmental resource within 400 feet of any state highway in our district. I have used the term "sensitive resource" because we want you to think beyond rare and endangered plant species to small isolated populations of common species, threatened habitats, microhabitats, scenic resources, and cultural resources. With your help we can minimize the accidental degradation of the little we have left. Contact either Jack Edell or Joanne Kerbavaz, Caltrans District 9, Environmental Branch, 500 So. Main Street, Bishop, CA 93514. Phone (619) 873-8411. TO PROTECT OUR DESERT It is evident that Watt has as little respect for the California Desert as he has for the coastline and the proposed wilderness areas. Do let your BLM officials know how you feel about any of their proposals or decisions-and stay with it. Even good plans may not be implemented or funded, and policies may suddenly change. The desert will need all the help it can get, and our part of it is the most special of all. The California Desert District Office is in Riverside. Under that office is an area office at Ridgecrest. That part of Inyo-Mono BLM land not in the desert district is managed by the Bakersfield Office. Under that is an area office in Bishop. The addresses are: (That for the Bakersfield office may be obtained at Bishop.) California State Office Ed Hastey, Director Bureau of Land Management 2800 Cottage Way, Room E 2841 Sacramento, CA. 95825 California Desert District Office Gerald E. Hillier, District Manager Bureau of Land Management 1695 Spruce Street Riverside, CA. 92507 Bishop Resource Area Jim Morrison, Area Manager Bureau of Land Management 873 North Main St., Suite 201 Bishop, CA. 93514 Ph: (619) 872-4881 Ridgecrest Resource Area Mark E. Lawrence, Area Manager Bureau of Land Management 1415A North Norma Street Ridgecrest, CA. 93555 page 4 GO PREPARED Since field trips are far more enjoyable it you can name at least some of the plants that you see, it helps to look ahead and go with the most appropriate book or list in hand. A notebook and pencil will help, and of course a 10X or 20X hand lens. For the Greenwater Valley trip we recommend DEATH VALLEY WILDFLOWERS by Roxana S. Ferris and A CHECKLIST OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS OF DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL MONUMENT by Larry L. Norris. (DeDecker's CHECKLIST OF THE NORTHERN MOJAVE is not yet out.) DESERT WILDFLOWERS by Jaeger is still the best book for the Little Lake trip. More serious participants should take Munz's A FLORA OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. For your convenience we have compiled the following list for the Little Lake area. On this outstanding year you may find many species to add to this incomplete list. Please make note of them. ASCLEPIADACEAE. Milkweed Family. ASTERACEAE. Sunflower Family. BORAGINACEAE. Borage or Forget-me-not Family. Page 5 Cryptantha nevadensis Nevada cryptantha BRASSICACEAE. Mustard Family. CAPPARIDACEAE. Caper Family. CHENOPODIACEAE. Goosefoot or Saltbush Family. CONVOLVULACEAE. Morning Glory Family. CYPERACEAE. Sedge Family. EUPHORBIACEAE. Spurge Family. Page 6 FABACEAE. Pea Family. HYDROPHYLLACEAE. Waterleaf or Phacelia Family. JUNCACEAE. Rush Family. LAMIACEAE. Mint Family. LILIACEAE. Lily Family. LOASACEAE. Loasa Family. LYTHRACEAE. Loosestrife Family. MALVACEAE. Mallow Family. NYCTAGINACEAE. Four 0'Clock Family. ONAGRACEAE. Evening Primrose Family. Page 7 PAPAVERACEAE. Poppy Family. POLEMONIACEAE. Phlox Family. POLYGONACEAE. Buckwheat Family. POTAMOGETONACEAE. Pondweed Family. RANUNCULACEAE. Buttersup Family. SAURACEAE. Lizard-tail Family. SCROPHULARIACEAE. Figwort or Snapdragon Family. TYPHACEAE. Cat-tail Family. ZANNICHELLIA. Horned Pondweed Family. ZOSTERACEAE. Eel-grass Family. ZYGOPHYLLACEAE. Caltrops Family. Note from the editor: Appreciation goes to those who show up each time to prepare the newsletter for mailing, especially to Polly Connable and Evelyn Mae Nikalous. |