Volume 2, No. 6 December 1983
NEXT MEETING January 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the social hall of the Big Pine Methodist Church at the corner of Crocker and School streets, Big Pine. Turn west from Hwy 395 at yellow light. Park on School Street and use west entrance. President's message: My first presidential message has to be about water. Those who care about the environment of Owens Valley have been desperately concerned over the latest proposal for an agreement between Los Angeles and Inyo County. Native vegetation would continue to be sacrificed, and we would have given away our. last. opportunity for self determination. Although Inyo County had arrived at the most favorable position in history, we are suddenly faced with a naive sellout. The fact that the City of Los Angeles is determined to satisfy its water needs from this source has renewed the deep seated conflict. Inyo-Mono water is the best available to Los Angeles, and it costs nothing. In fact that city makes money on it from power generated by the transported water. There could be a reasonable export plan, but Los Angeles has yet to accept the concept that Inyo-Mono rights and values are to be considered. Their strategy continues to be to lure us into a trap. The current agreement is just that, but our Inyo County Supervisors are so overwhelmed by the importance of signing an "historic document" that they have accepted it at face value. They have already signed the "concept of the agreement" in spite of strong opposition at public hearings. Press releases praise it as an end to the 80-year-old war, saying it has been settled peacefully. Little does the outside world know of the turmoil over it in Owens Valley. Pages could be written on the subject. A book will surely be written about it, where our local officials will fill their slots in history along with Lippincott and Eaton. It is enough here, however, to recognize those who realize the seriousness of the situation and have the courage to do something about it. It comes down to opposing the naive and stubborn stand of Inyo County government as well as the political power of Los Angeles. That is not pleasant and it means some personal sacrifice. Far too many do not dare even to express an opinion openly. First, one must become well enough informed to understand the pros and cons. Most difficulat is the courage and persistence that it takes to stay in there and see it through against such overwhelming odds. Fortunately for the future of Owens Valley, there are those who care enough and will give enough to exhaust every means for protecting it. I salute them! ..... Mary DeDecker We hope that you, like ourselves, have been too absorbed over the holidays to mind that this issue is late. Belated best wishes for the New Year! May .it bring peace and prosperity, and a favorable political climate for our native plants. Page 2 D I R E C T 0 R Y 1984 LOGO: Pinus longaeva Office/Committee Name Address Telephone (619) The program for our January 25 meeting will be a presentation by Rick Masters of Independence. He will speak and show a film on Footlaunched Soaring in the Owens Valley. This is a sport that we can support! There is no impact on native plants and their habitats, no air pollution, and no noise. Rick is an independent journalist and cinematographer. He has been awarded the 1982 and 1983 U. S. Gray Prize for the best media representation of the sport. Page 3 HERE AND THERE BLM: The Ridgecrest Resource Area is involved in several environmental protection measures of special interest to the Bristlecone Chapter. They could use some volunteer help. Projects coming up soon are: - Barriers and fences at the Eureka Dunes. These work experiences would make worthwhile outings, and this cooperative office deserves such tangible support. Call Peter Rowlands, Botanist at (619) 446-4526. IT'S OFFICIAL: Bob Thorne was probably the first one to call the type locality of Dedeckera eurekensis Dedeckera Canyon. It is a scenic desert canyon in the Last Chance Mountains, draining into Eureka Valley. Besides its aesthetic value, it is a center of sensitive plants, many of them endemic to the Death Valley area. Dedeckera, itself is a shrub of considerable interest in the botanical world. It is in the Buckwheat Family, Polygonaceae, and is thought to be one of the primitive forms. Thanks to Susan Cochrane of the Department of Fish and Came, the name, Dedeckera, was proposed for the 2-mile nameless canyon, and it has been officially accepted. Her surprise announcement was made at a state CNPS Executive Board meeting in September. The naming of places after native plants is to be encouraged. Perhaps it would further more respect for plants. Tetracoccus Peak is another example. NEW MAPS: Vince Yoder informs us that the new 7.5 minute series of topographic maps is now becoming available in Inyo-Mono. They are dated 1982, so have many up-to-date features which were lacking in the last series. Each map covers one fourth of the area of the older ones. ATTENTION WETLAND SCIENTISTS: The Society of Wetland Scientists will hold its Fifth Annual National Meeting in San Francisco, California, on may 23-25, 1984, at the Westin Miyako Hotel. Field trips to unique wetland areas in the San Francisco Bay area will occupy one day of the meeting. The Plenary Session will consist of formal presentations on wetland biology, wetland management, and wetland regulations. Proceedings of the meeting will be published in Wetlands, Journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Group discussions and poster sessions will also be an integral part of the meeting. A call for papers was issued in October 1983. Deadline for abstracts will be January 31, 1984. For more information, contact Marc Boule', Meeting Coordinator, Shapiro and Associates, Inc. 1812 Smith Tower, Seattle, Washington 98104. NEW MEMBERS: Our Chapter warmly welcomes the following new members: Chris and Dennis Hill 232 Primrose Ridgecrest, CA. 93555 Page 4 ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF THE WHITE MOUNTAINS II contributed by James D. Morefield, Tim Spira, Ann Pinzl, Mary Dedecker and Dean Wm. Taylor In a continuing effort to keep Flora of the White Mountains (by Robert M. Lloyd and Richard S. Mitchell. 1973. Univ. California Press) up to date, we have assembled a second list of additions and corrections. (see Bristlecone Newsletter 1(4):35 1982). Of the 41 taxa listed below, 37 were not listed in the Flora under any name: this brings the total number of new taxa reported for the White's in the decade since Lloyd & Mitchell was published to 73. A total of 931 taxa are now known for the range, 9% of which are not listed in the Flora! Following additional field work next summer, a cumulative list of additions will be assembled for publication in a refereed journal in which specimen citations will be provded for all newly reported taxa. As in the previous list of additions, the page where the taxon would appear in the Flora is listed for ease of annotation. Stellaria media (Linnaeus) Villars Common Chickweed. Mono Co.; small roadside population, White Mountain Road just south of Barcroft Gate at 11,500 ft. elevation, T. Spira, observation. (p. 65) Kochia scoparia (Linnaeus) Schrader Summer Cypress. Inyo Co.; Wyman Canyon in road, 6000 ft., J. Morefield, 18 August 1981. Recent introduction from Deep Springs area, becoming locally abundant. (p. 70) Monolepis spathulata A. Gray Club-leaved Monolepis. Mono Co.; Crooked.-Cottonwood divide 0.55 mi. S75OW of Station Peak, 9650 ft., J. Morefield, 16 August 1983. Plants depauperate, sepal often absent. (p. 70) Rumex triangulivalvis (Danser) Rechinger f. Smooth Dock. Mono Co.; 0.75 mi. S50W of Station Peak just N of Crooked Creek, near Deep Springs Cow Camp, 9460 ft., J. Morefield, 17 August 1983. (p. 80) Tamarix ramosissima Ledebour Tamarisk. Inyo Co.; in canyon 0.35 mi. N150E of Antelope Springs, 5660 ft., J. Morefield. 11 August 1983. (p. 81) Arabis platysperma A. Gray var. platysperma Esmeralda Co.; alpine on northeast face of Boundary Peak, A. Pinzl, 24 July 1980, 21 July 1981. (p. 88) Capsella bursa-pastoris (Linnaeus) Medicus Shepards Purse. Esmeralda Co.; Indian Creek, 7200 ft., G. T. Austin, 5 May 1981. (p. 89) Cardamine oligosperma Nuttall Esmeralda Co.; upper middle Creek Canyon, A. Pinzl, 20 July 1981. (p. 89) Page 5 Draba densifolia Nuttall Esmeralda and Mono Cos.: alpine, northern end of range: Pellesier Flats at 12,300 ft, D. Taylor; NE side of Boundary Peak, A. Pinzl, 10 July 1976, 7 July 1979. (p. 91) Sisyrimbium irio Linnaeus London=Rocket. Mono Co.; small roadside population, White Mountain Road just south of Barcroft Gate at 11,500 ft. elevation, T. Spira, (p. 94) Sisyrimbium orientale Linnaeus Sympatric with S. irio as above. (p. 94) Astragalus layneae Greene Layne Milkvetch. Inyo Co.; mouth of Wyman Canyon, D.W. Taylor, 28 May 1978, and at mouth of Beer Creek, 4 mi. NE of Antelope Springs, J. Morefield, May, 1981. (p. 105) Lupinus pusillus Pursh ssp. intermontanus (Heller) D. Dunn Intermountain Lupine. Observed in Inyo Co.; between Beer and Wyman Creeks, J. Morefield, May, 1981. (p. 108) Lythrum californicum Torrey & Gray California Loosestrife. Inyo Co.; Tollhouse Spring, 5800 ft. and Silver Canyon, 5500 ft., M. DeDecker; canyon 0.4 mi. N10oE of Antelope Springs, 5670 ft., J. Morefield, 11 August 1983. (p. 110) Arceuthobium divaricatum Engelmann Mono Co.; on Pinus monophylla at 7600 ft. in Jeffrey Mine Canyon, M. DeDecker. (p. 114) Larrea divaricata Cavanilles ssp. tridentata (Sesse & Mocino) Felger & Lowe. Creosote Bush. Inyo Co.; ca. 10 healthy plants at mouth of Wyman Canyon, 2.3 mi. N of Deep Springs College, lat. 37025'N, 5500 ft., J. Morefield, 10 June 1981. (p. 115) Nicotiana trigonophylla Dunal ex DeCandolle Desert Tobacco. Inyo Co.; 4.4 mi. N550E of Antelope Springs, mouth of Beer Creek, 5330 ft., J. Morefield, 19 May 1981. (p. 120) Ipomopsis congesta (Hooker) V. Grant ssp. congesta Many-flowered Gilia. Mono Co.; along Crooked Creek Road 2.2 mi. N50OW of Red Peak, 9800 ft., J. Morefield, 17 August 1983. The typical ssp. not previously reported. (p. 125) Langloisia mathewsii (A. Gray) Greene Desert Calico. Observed in Inyo Co. at base of range in Deep Springs Valley, J. Morefield, May, 1981. (p. 125) Langloisia schottii (Torrey) Greene Schott's Langloisia. With L. mathewsii as above. (p. 125) Linanthus nuttallii (Gray) Greene ssp. pubescens R. Patterson This subspecies is endemic to high mountian ranges of the western Great Basin, and is the only perennial Linanthus in the White's (Madrono 24:36147). (p. 126) Polemonium caeruleum Linnaeus ssp. amygdalinum (Wherry) Munz Esmeralda Co.; wet sites in upper Trail Canyon, A. Pinzl, 24 July 1980. (p. 127) Hackelia brevicula (Jepson) Gentry White Mt. Stickseed. Listed in the flora as H. patens. Endemic to the White Mts. (Southwest Nat. 19:134146). Type Locality: Poison Canyon, 10,000 ft., Jepson 7374 (JEPS). Limited to the Cottonwood Creek drainage? (p. 135) Page 6 Plagiobothrys hispidulus (Greene) Johnston Harsh Allocarya. Mono Co.; Deep Springs Cow Camp, N of Crooked Creek, 9480 ft., J. Morefield , 13 August 1983. (p. 136) Xanthium strumarium Linnaeus Cocklebur. Inyo Co.; along Wyman Creek, 5900 ft., J. Morefield 4 September 1981. (p. 153) Hymenoxys cf. lemmonii (Greene) Cockerell Lemmon's Goldflower. Mono Co.; 0.3 mi. SW of Station Peak, N of Crooked Creek, 9700 ft., J. Morefield, 16 August 1983. Depauperate: solitary heads, wide leaf divisions. (p. 155) Perityle megalocephala (Watson) Macbride var. oligophylla Powell. Giant Rockdaisy. The correct name for Laphamia megacephala Watson [sic] in the Flora. (p. 155) Erigeron pumilus Nuttall ssp. intermedius Cronquist Esmeralda Co.; Middle Creek Canyon, 8000 ft., 7 August 1979; Trail Canyon, 9100 ft., 20 July 1981, A. Pinzl. (p. 160) Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal var. serrulata (Rydberg) Steyermark Prairie Gum weed. Inyo Co.; established at Deep Springs College and observed in Wyman Canyon, J. Morefield. (p. 160) Senecio eurycephala Torrey & Gray Cutleaf Butterweed. Inyo Co.; along White Mtn. Road, 7800 ft., J. Morefield, 28 June 1981. Introduced from NW California.(p. 166) Senecio vulgaris Linnaeus. Common Groundsel. Mono Co.; Small roadside population, White Mountain road just south of Barcroft Gate, 11,500 ft., T. Spira. (p. 168) Brickellia californica (Torrey & Gray) A. Gray Pachaba. Inyo Co.; Payson Canyon along CA 168, 6400 ft., J. Morefield, 28 June 1981. (p. 170) Cirsium ochrocentrum A. Gray Yellow Spine Thistle. Inyo Co.; along White Mountain Road, 8500 ft., J. Morefield, 28 June 1981. (p. 170) Malacothrix glabrata A. Gray Desert Dandelion. Observed and vernally abundant in Inyo Co.; SE base of the range in Deep Springs Valley; probably also present on the E and W margins, J. Morefield. (p. 172) Juncus bryoides E.J. Hermann Moss Rush. Mono Co. Infrequent, alpine meadows east and northeast of Barcroft Lab, including McAfee Meadow, 11,605 ft., T. Spira observation. (p. 174) Juncus bufonis Linnaeus Toad Rush. Mono Co.; Crooked-Cottonwood divide southwest of Station Peak, 9650 ft., J. Morefield, 16 August 1983. (p. 174) Carex parryana Dewey var. halli (Olney) Kukenthal Mono Co.; Meadow at Deep Springs Cow Camp N of Crooked Creek, 9490 ft., J. Morefield, 13 August 1983. (p. 177) Typha angustifolia Linnaeus Narrowleaf Cattail. Inyo Co.; Upper Sam Springs in canyon 1.0 mi. N35OW of Antelope Springs, 6030 ft., J. Morefield, 11 August 1983. (p. 190) Page 7 COMING FIELD TRIPS Some fine field trips are planned for this year. Here is the opportunity to mark your calendar and plan ahead. Members from other chapters are encouraged to join us. Inquiries should be made to Mike Prather, Field Trip Chairman. Many of these will be overnight trips, but 1-day stays are feasible in some cases. Be sure that your vehicle is reliable and the tires in good condition. The distances are long, so start out with plenty of gasoline. Desert camping calls for water, refreshing liquids, insect repellant, sunscreen, and a hat and dark glasses. And by all means be equipped with a hand lens for any trip! March 10-11. The southern portion of Death Valley. Meet in front of the Visitors' Center at Furnace Creek at 10:00 a.m. Saturday. Camping that night will be at a primitive camp site outside the monument. Leader: Mike Prather. April 7-8. A joint trip with the Eastern Sierra Audubon Society to Saline Valley. Meet at the road junction north of Big Pine by the Triangle Campground at 9:00 a.m. Saturday. Leaders to be announced in the next-newsletter. May 12-13. Eureka Valley. Camp at the Eureka Dunes Saturday night. Four-wheeldrive vehicles are not necessary to reach the dunes, but those who can are urged to bring them. If there are enough to car pool, and if the road is not washed out, we can visit Dedeckera Canyon, and perhaps other short 4-wheel-drive routes. More detailed information later. Leaders: Paul and Mary DeDecker. June 30-July 1. The Devil's Postpile from Mammoth Lakes. Details and leaders to be announced later. July 14-15. Ramshaw Meadow on the Kern Plateau. The attraction here is the rare alpine sand verbena, Abronia alpina. We will be cooperating with the Inyo National Forest in making an inventory and general survey of the area. Those who wish to backpack may go over Mulkey Pass from Horseshoe Meadow. The route goes through Mulkey, Bullfrog, and Tunnel meadows and down to Ramshaw Meadow. Allow 2 days, more or less. Those who wish to go the easy way may fly from Lone Pine to Tunnel Meadow and make the short trip from there to Ramshaw. Cabins may be available at Tunnel Meadow. More information later. August 18-19. Glass Mountain, Mono County. Drive up to Sawmill Meadow for a high elevation floristic experience. Details later. Leaders: Doris Fredendall and Ray Mosher. September 8-9. Tioga Pass and Saddlebag Lake. This may include a boat trip the length of the lake to the glaciated wilderness area beyond. More information later. RECENT EVENTS The past two meetings and field trips were paired to provide the maximum in educational experiences. At the October 5 meeting, David Groeneveld, Ecological Consultant in the current Owens Valley study, explained the work he is doing to determine the needs and tolerances of plants dependent on groundwater. He illustrated his talk with charts and slides. Then on November 19 he conducted a field trip to a survivability site near Laws. There he demonstrated the use of neutron probes and the equipment used to gather data on each of the major plant species. The Inyo County Supervisors had been invited by their Water Department. One of them, Supervisor Lefty Irwin, made the effort to attend. He showed great interest and made the astute observation that only people who opposed the current agreement were present to take advantage of the educational opportunity. Mr. Irwin is the only supervisor who has recognized the fact that there is strong opposition to the agreement. At the November 10 meeting, Vince Yoder told of his in-depth study in the Alabama Hills, illustrating it with Ann Yoder's excellent slides. In a follow-up Page 8 field trip on December 10, Vince demonstrated the actual procedures used in his data gathering project. Needless to say, his thorough and well organized work will prove a valuable contribution in the biological field. The good attendence at these meetings and field trips is evidence that our CNPS people want to be well informed. FOR SALE You are urged to prepare for spring by having a good supply of Bristlecone T-shirts. Choose one or more new colors. They are comfortable, practical, and attractive. Evelyn Mae Nikolaus has them for sale, along with other items. Vince Yoder continues to handle our ever popular Desert Wildflower posters. Phillips Camera House in Bishop does a fine job of sealing the poster to poster board for more durability. We do not handle that, but the price is reasonable. New memberships are valued and encouraged. You will enjoy participating. |