Volume 3 No. 4 august 1984

Bristlecone Chapter
Dedicated to the Preservation of the California Native Flora



The next meeting will be Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m., September 26. The meeting place will be at the Security Pacific National Bank on the main street in Bishop.

President's message:

My message this time will be brief. Space is needed for other things. .I must express appreciation though to Bristlecone Chapter people for their keen interest in environmental issues, their effort to keep informed, and their endeavors toward responsible solutions. A group with such high regard for the natural world and such dedication for defending it is sure to make a difference, even in the most discouraging times. It is one of the highest forms of service.

         Mary DeDecker


Sept. 8 Saddlebag Lake from Tioga Pass. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at
the Rovana turnoff (Pine Creek Road) from Highway 395, west of Bishop. Those from the north may meet us at Saddlebag Lake at about 10:30 a.m. We hope to go to
the far end of the lake by water taxi ($3.50 round trip). There we will explore beautiful glaciated country in the Hoover Wilderness. It will be a long day. No group camping has been planned, so individuals will be on their own to camp or make other plans for Saturday night.

Sept. 26 Regular meeting. See time and place above. There will be a summary of summer activities and planning for the
remainder of the year. A nominating committee will be appointed. Bring 5 to 10 of your favorite slides of trips or flowers.

Oct. 6-7 Tamarix work party, Amargosa Canyon, near Tecopa.

Oct. 13 Pinyon Falls, west of Independence. One day field trip. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the vacant lot on Highway 395 and Market Street, across from the Independence Post Office. We will caravan to the end of the road and hike about a
mile. Take lunch and drinking water, and wear sturdy shoes.
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Oct. 20-21 Tamarix work party, Amargosa Canyon, near Tecopa.
Oct. 31 Regular meeting. Details to be announced later.
Nov. 3-4 Tamarix work party, Amargosa Canyon, near Tecopa.
Nov. 23-25 Tamarix work party, Saline Valley salt marsh.
Nov. 28 Regular meeting. Details to be announced later.

Volunteers are needed this fall to help cut and treat salt cedar which has invaded Amargosa Canyon and the salt marsh at Saline Valley. See the calendar above for dates.
The exotic Tamarix species from the middle east were first introduced into the American southwest early in the last century, if not before. Salt cedar, Tamarix ramosissima or T. petandra,
the most aggressive of these invaders, has become a serious threat to native vegetation and the wildlife dependent upon it.
The plant produces hundreds of thousands of seeds, each with a tuft of fine feathery hairs to carry it in the slightest breeze. It takes only a bit of moisture to sprout and continue the cycle. Dense thickets form and crowd out the native riparian species. It is the most wasteful water user of all desert deep rooted trees or shrubs. It cannot be killed by fire, cutting, or foliar herbicides. Only mechanical uprooting or a systematic herbicide that goes into the root system are effective in controlling it. Even then, no bit of it can be left touching the ground where it might sprout roots. Most of the Colorado River system and other southwestern drainages are already overcome by this weedy invader. Valuable springs and seeps are being dried up by its excessive thirst.
Volunteers are at work in small riparian areas of the Mojave Desert in an effort to prevent the loss of precious water sources. Workers are needed to cut, drag brush, and to apply herbicide. Be a true friend of the desert and spare a day or two, or more. How rewarding to know that you, personally, are helping to avert the loss of these fragile ecosystems.
Please call me (619 876-5807, after 5:30 p.m.) for more information on travel and camping arrangements. Or write to P.O. Box 406, Lone Pine, CA 93545.
         Michael Prather

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Our Bristlecone Chapter, along with local chapters of Audubon and the Sierra Club, and the Owens Valley Committee, shared the cost and the manning of a booth at the Tri-County Fair in Bishop for four days. The many fine comments and inquiries encourage us to repeat the project next year. Appreciation goes to Earl and Carolyn Gann, Bill Manning, Michael and Nancy Prather, Martha Reinholt, Alice Stever, Judy Wickman, and Vince Yoder for a job well done.

Contributed by Michael Prather and Doris Fredendall, trip leaders.

MAMMOTH AREA, June 30-31.
On Saturday we were fortunate in having Joe Madeiros, an experienced interpreter of the Devil's Postpile area, as our leader. After checking plants on the Minaret Crest, we hiked down the Starkweather Lake trail to the lake. It was leisurely and pleasant, through a forest flora that was new to many of us. Admirably self-sufficient children added to the enjoyment. The uphill grade back to the crest was taken on the jitney which runs at frequent intervals. The day closed with a pleasant evening in the Forest Service campground. Authorpublisher Genny Smith dropped in for a visit.
Next day the group left Mammoth by way of the new Scenic Route to the north. Near its junction with Highway 395 the rare Mono milkvetch, Astragalus monoensis, was found. Then a trip up McGee Creek completed the day. There the adults happily botanized, while the children made sand sculptures beside the stream.

This was a delightful outing in a volcanic area of forested slopes and meadows. Camp was made at Sawmill Meadow, 9200 feet. The group quickly scattered around the boggy edges of the large meadow, finding a variety of exciting plants. Then a rustic table was covered with specimens and those who tried their hands at "keys" worked on identification. (These are included in the list herein.) The Crowthers left after nibblings and wine at the DeDecker's table. A few raindrops fell at supper time from clouds that had threatened all day. Wood was plentiful; a cheery fire was lighted. A light rain during the night was followed by cloud cover in the morning. No schedule had been planned; it was a free day. Tim Messick and Mary DeDecker keyed out plants while others wandered. The Henrys and Mark Bagley found Angelica and Pterospora up the canyon. Those who stayed after lunch visited still another meadow, this one dry except for the carpeted banks of a small stream fed by springs. It was open to billowing clouds in a deep blue sky, quiet and remote. New things were found there--it was hard to leave the place.

RAMSHAW MEADOW, August 18-19.

Regretfully, the Ramshaw Meadow trip had to be canceled. The decision was made when various complications reduced Forest Service support and chapter participants. Perhaps another time!

The following new members are warmly welcomed. We anticipate your participation.

Mark 0. Bagley
Laura Colton
Mead & Tina Hargis
Pamela M. Burns
Robin Hamlin
Beverly Kohfield
Claire Pershing

mostly between 8000 and 10,000 feet in elevation.

Adiantaceae (Pteridaceae). Fern Family.
Pellaea breweri. Brewer cliff brake.

Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). Parsley or Carrot Family.
Angelica lineariloba. Sierra soda straw, tall angelica.
Perideridia parishii ssp. latifolia. Parish yampa.
Sphenosciadium capitellatum. Ranger's buttons, woolly parsnip.

Asteraceae (Compositae). Sunflower Family.
Achillea millefolium var. apicola. Yarrow.
SY=Achillea lanulosa ssp. alpicola.
Agoseris glauca var. monticola. Pumice dandelion.
Antennaria microphylla. Rosy everlasting flower.
SY=Antennaria rosea.
Arnica chamissonis ssp. foliosa. Meadow arnica.
Arnica sororia. Twin arnica.
Artemisia tridentata. Big sagebrush.
Aster ascendens. Long-leaved aster.
Chaenactis douglasii var. rubricaulis. Red-stemmed pincushion.
Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. albicaulis. Granite rabbitbrush.
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. viscidiflorus. Curly rabbitbrush.
Circium congdonii. Rosette thistle.
SY=Circium drummondii.
Crepis intermedia. Hawksbeard.
Erigeron lonchophyllus. Little meadow daisy.
Eriophyllum lanatum var. monoense Mono eriophyllum.
Haplopappus macronema. Whitestem goldenbush.
Haplopappus suffruticosus. Alpine goldenbush.
Hulsea vestita. Pumice hulsea.
Machaeranthera shastensis var. montana. Shasta aster.
Raillardella argentea. Silver mat.
Senecio spartioides. Inyo senecio.
Senecio triangularis. Arrowhead senecio.
Solidago multiradiata. Alpine goldenrod.
Stephanomeria spinosa. Wool cache plant.
SY=Lygodesmia spinosa.
Stephanomeria tenuifolia. Bright pink milk-aster.
Tetradymia canescens. Gray horsebrush.

Boraginaceae. Borage Family.
Cryptantha confertiflora. Golden forget-me-not.
Cryptantha glomeriflora. Truckee cryptantha.
Cryptantha muricata var. denticulata. Prickly-nut cryptantha.
Plagiobothrys scouleri var. penicillatus. Harsh popcorn flower.
SY=Plagiobothrys cusickii.
SY=Plagiobothrys hispidulus.
Tiquilia nuttallii. Nuttall tiquilia.
SY=Coldenia nuttallii.

Brassicaceae (Cruciferae). Mustard Family.
Arabis holboellii var. pinetorum. Pine rock-cress.
Arabis holboellii var. retrofracta. Reflexed Holboell rock-cress.
Arabis inyoensis. Inyo rock-cress.
Arabis platysperma. Broad-seeded rock-cress.
Descurainia californica. Sierra tansy-mustard. Draba albertina. Meadow draba.
SY=Draba stenoloba var. nana.
Erysimum perenne. Mountain wallflower.
Lesquerella kingii ssp. kingii. King bead-pod.
Streptanthus tortuosus var. orbiculatus. Mountain streptanthus.

Caprifoliaceae. Honeysuckle Family.
Symphoricarpos oreophilus. Mountain snowberry SY=Symphoricarpos vaccinioides.

Caryophyllaceae. Pink Family.
Arenaria aculeata. Limestone sandwort, King sandwort.
SY=Arenaria kingii var. glabrescens.
Sagina saginoides. Arctic pearlwort.
Silene bernardina ssp. maguirei. Maguire campion.
SY=Silene montana.
Stellaria longipes. Creek stellaria.

Chenopodiaceae. Goosefoot or Saltbush Family.
Chenopodium fremontii. Fremont goosefoot.
Chenopodium incognitum. Mountain goosefoot.
Monolepis spathulata. Minute monolepis.

Cupressaceae. Cypress Family.
Juniperus occidentalis ssp. australis. Sierra juniper.

Cyperaceae. Sedge Family.
Carex aurea. Golden sedge.
Carex douglasii. Douglas sedge.
Carex nebraskensis. Nebraska sedge.
Carex rossii. Ross sedge.
Carex rostrata. Beaked sedge.
Carex simulata. Short-beaked sedge.
Eleocharis pauciflora. Dainty spike-rush.
SY=Eleocharis quinqueflora.

Ephedraceae. Ephedra Family.
Ephedra viridis. Green ephedra, Mormon tea.

Ericaceae. Heath Family.
Ledum glandulosum. Labrador tea.
Pterospora andromedea. Pinedrops.
Pyrola minor. English wintergreen.

Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Pea Family.
Astragalus purshii var. tinctus. Pursh milkvetch.
Lupinus alpestris. Argca lupine.
Lupinus arbustus ssp. calcaratus. Spurred lupine.
Lupinus breweri var. grandiflorus. Large Brewer lupine.
Lupinus caudatus ssp. montigenus. Pumice forest lupine. SY=Lupinus montigenus.
Lupinus confertus. Meadow lupine.
Trifolium longipes ssp. longipes. Long-stalked clover.
Trifolium monanthus ssp. monanthum. Carpet clover.

Gentianaceae. Gentian Family.
Frasera puberulenta. Inyo gentian, low green gentian.
Frasera speciosa. Deer's tongue, tall green gentian.

Hydrophyllaceae. Phacelia or Waterleaf Family.
Nemophila spatulata. Sierra nemophila.
Phacelia frigida. Rock phacelia.

Iridaceae. Iris Family.
Iris missouriensis. Wild iris.
Sisyrinchium idahoense. Idaho blue-eyed grass.

Juncaceae. Rush Family.
Juncus balticus var. mexicanus. Mexican rush. SY=Juncus mexicanus.
Juncus nevadensis. Nevada rush, Sierra rush.
Juncus orthophyllus. Straight-leaved rush.

Juncaginaceae. (Scheuchzeriaceae). Arrow-grass Family.
Triglochin concinna var. debilis. Desert arrow-grass SY=Triglochin debilis.
Triglochin maritima. Thermal arrow-grass.

Lamiaceae. (Labiatae). Mint Family.
Monardella odoratissima ssp. glauca. Red pennyroyal.
Liliaceae. Lily Family.
Allium bisceptrum. Aspen onion.
Allium validum. Swamp onion.
Calochortus bruneaunis. Sego lily.
SY=Calochortus nuttallii var. bruneaunis.
Lilium parvum. Small tiger lily.
Smilacina stellata var. stellata. Star flower.

Linaceae. Flax Family.
Linum lewisii. Blue flax.

Nyctaginaceae. Four-O'Clock Family.
Abronia turbinata. Transmontane sand verbena. Onagraceae. Evening Primrose Family.
Epilobium angustifolium. Fireweed.
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum. Slender epilobium.
SY=Fpilobium adenocaulon var. parishii.
SY=Epilobium brevistylum.
Epilobium pringleanum. Pringle epilobium.
Gayophytum diffusum ssp. parviflorum. Summer snowflakes.

Ophioglossaceae. Grape-fern Family.
Botrychium simplex. Simple grape fern.

Orchidaceae. Orchid Family.
Platanthera dilatata var. leucostachys. White rein orchid. SY=Habenaria dilatata var. leucostachys.
Orobanchaceae. Broomrape Family.
Orobanche corymbosa. Sagebrush strangler.

Papaveraceae. Poppy Family.
Argemone munita ssp. rotundata. Thistle poppy.

Pinaceae. Pine Family.

Pinus albicaulis. Whitebark pine.
Pinus contorta var. murrayana. Lodgepole pine.
Pinus flexilis. Limber pine.
Pinus jeffreyi. Jeffrey pine.
Pinus monophylla. Pinyon.
Pinus monticola. Western white pine.

Poaceae (Gramineae). Grass Family. Agrostis scabra. Ticklegrass.
Festuca minutiflora Alpine fescue. SY=Festuca ovina.
Leucopa kingii. Spikegrass.
SY=Hesperochloa kingii.
Leymus triticoides. Creeping wildrye. SY=Elymus triticoides.
Melica stricta. Rock melic, nodding melic.
Muhlenbergia richardsonis. Mat muhly, dwarf muhly.
Oryzopsis hymenoides. Indian ricegrass.
Sitanion hystrix. Squirreltail.
Stipa occidentalis var. pubescens. Elmer needlegrass. SY=Stipa elmeri.
Trisetum spicatum. Spike tricetum.

Polemoniaceae. Phlox Family.
Gilia aggregata. Skyrocket, scarlet gilia.
SY=Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. attenuata.
Leptodactylon pungens ssp. hallii. Prickly phlox.
Leptodactylon pungens ssp. pungens. Granite gilia.
Sy=Leptodactylon pungens ssp. pulchriflorum.
Linanthus nuttallii ssp. pubescens. Bushy linanthus.
SY=Linanthostrum nuttallii.
Microsteris gracilis var. humilior. Annual phlox.
Sy=Microsteris gracilis ssp. humilis.
Phlox condensata. Cushion phlox, compact phlox.
SY=Phlox covillei.
Phlox longifolia var. longifolia. Longleaf phlox. Sy=Phlox stansburyi var. brevifolia.

Polygonaceae. Buckwheat Family.
Eriogonum esmeraldense var. esmeraldense. Esmeralda buckwheat. Eriogonum lobbii. Sprawling buckwheat.
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. nivale. Fell-field buckwheat. Eriogonum spergulinum var. reddingianum. Spurry buckwheat. Eriogonum umbellatum var. umbellatum. Sulphur flower.

Portulacaceae. Purslane Family.
Calyptridium umbellatum. Pussy-paws.

Primulaceae. Primrose Family.
Dodecatheon alpinum. Alpine shooting star. Dodecatheon redolens. Shooting star.

Ranunculaceae. Buttercup Family.
Aquilegia formosa. Sierra red columbine.
Ranunculus cymbalaria var. saximontanus. Desert buttercup. Thalictrum fendleri var. fendleri. Tasseled meadow-rue.

Rosaceae. Rose Family.
Cercocarpus ledifolius. Mountain mahogany. Geum macrophyllum. Big-leaf avens.
Holodiscus dumosus var.glabrescens. Cream bush. SY=Holodiscus microphyllus.
Potentilla biennis. Biennial cinquefoil.
Potentilla diversifolia. Large yellow cinquefoil.
Potentilla glandulosa ssp. nevadensis. Nevada potentilla. Purshia tridentata. Bitterbrush.
Rosa woodsii var. ultramontana. Wild rose.

Rubiaceae. Madder Family.
Galium bifolium. Dainty mountain bedstraw. Salicaceae. Willow Family.
Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa. Black poplar. SY=Populus trichocarpa.
Populus tremuloides. Aspen.
Salix geyeriana var. geyeriana. Geyer willow. Salix planifolia var. monica. Mono willow.
Saxifragaceae. Saxifrage Family.
Ribes aureum. Golden currant.
Ribes cereum. Wax currant.
Ribes velutinum var. glanduliferum. Plateau gooseberry.

Scrophulariaceae. Figwort or snapdragon Family.
Castilleja martinii var. clokeyi. Clokey paintbrush. Castilleja miniata. Streamside paintbrush.
Castilleja nana. Alpine paintbrush, dwarf paintbrush.
Collinsia parviflora. Meadow collinsia.
Mimulus coccineus. Gravel mimulus.
Mimulus guttatus. Common monkey-flower.
Mimulus primuloides. Meadow mimulus.
Penstemon rydbergii var. varians. Whorl penstemon.
Penstemon speciosus. Showy penstemon.
Veronica americana. American brooklime.

Selaginaceae. Spike-moss Family.
Selaginella watsonii. Alpin moss-fern.

Violaceae. Violet Family.
Viola macloskeyi. White violet.

It is the ultimate goal of the Bristlecone Chapter to compile as complete a list as possible of the flora of the Glass Mountain mass. This is the area bounded by the Adobe Valley drainage, Highway 120, southward to Watterson Meadow and the Crowley Lake drainage, and northward along the west line of Range 39, all above 7200 feet in elevation. The above list has been compiled by Mary DeDecker, with some additions by Tim Messick. Your input is encouraged. Please be sure of your determinations, and give site information. Additional lists will be published from time to time.

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Sales Chairman, Evelyn Mae Nikolaus, announces that T-shirts are still available at $8.00, including tax. Also bandanas at $5.95 plus tax.

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The BUCKWHEAT CLASS proved to be a great success. The fans of this fascinating family came from far and wide. About 30 species were found, in spite of the scarcity of annuals early in the season. These included the intricately branched Eriogonum heermannii, the extremely fine Eriogonum Parishii, and an entire slope of Eriogonum rupinum. These were the species within easy access of good roads.


FLORA of the NORTHERN MOJAVE DESERT, CALIFORNIA by Mary DeDecker California Native Plant Society Special Publication Number 7 Foreword by Frank C. Vasek

This book provides the amateur with a simple list that is easy to use, yet scientifically reliable and up to date. The two indices are the key to convenience. The scientific index, arranged by families in alphabetical order, shows recent synonyms. It is for the serious student who seeks an authoritative work on the region. The index of common names, listed under the names for families, is for those who prefer to use familiar names.

The book may be considered an essential companion to the attractive but incomplete flower books which so often lack the species one wishes to find. The pictures in such a book may give a clue by coming close. Then, this book--because it lists all of the species and their ranges--enables one to reach an accurate determination.

An advance copy has been received and a full shipment is expected soon. This is a CNPS publication. It will be on sale by the Bristlecone Chapter as well as at the Berkeley office. Orders here will be handled by Vincent Yoder, who is also our Poster Chairman, at P.O. Box 330, Lone Pine, CA 93545. The price is $8.95 plus tax. For mail orders the total, including tax and shipping, is $10.45. Orders already received will be processed as soon as possible.

The BRISTLECONE NEWSLETTER comes out bimonthly. It is mailed free to members of the Bristlecone Chapter, CNPS. For non-members the subscription rate is $5.00 per year.