Volume 11 No. 1 January 1992
NEXT CHAPTER MEETING Wednesday, January 29, 1992, at 7:30 p.m. at the White Mountain Research Station on East Line Street, Bishop. We are honored to have as speaker Ray Butler, CNPS Vice President for Conservation. Don't miss this opportunity to participate in an informative and stimulating evening. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: Make way for the New Year! January in Inyo County is a time when not much happens botanically unless you count those folks who labor in high places to protect the environment, or the local executive board which is gathering forces to create a calendar of events for the grass roots to attend. We all use the long, cold nights to catch up on neglected reading, sort field trip gear, and dream of worlds to conquer. May you all reach your personal Mt. Everest in 1992! By the end of the month, the 29th, we should all be eager for a program by Ray Butler, CNPS State Vice President for Conservation. Evelyn Mae Nikolaus REMEMBER to use your tax returns to help endangered species! Check the line on your tax form and make a contribution. Our support has made a difference. A MEMORIAL Lawrence (Larry) L. Heckard, 1923 - 1991. His death at his residence November 26 after a long illness, came soon after the destruction of his home in the disastrous Oakland fire. He was curator of the Jepson Herbarium at U.C. Berkeley and an internationally known botanist. We remember him for his work on Mimulus and Cordylanthus and for his interest in our eastern California species. THANK YOU We take this opportunity to express appreciation to Carolyn Honer, a member of our chapter, who made a contribution of $100 to it. Her generosity will be put to good use.
Page 2 1992 DIRECTORY BRISTLECONE CHAPTER, CNPS Officers and chairmen
Office Name Address Phone (619) President Evelyn Mae Nikolaus P.O. Box 396 Independence, 93526 878-2149 Vice-President Carla Scheidlinger 393 Mt. Tom Road 873-8439 Bishop, 93514 Past President Vince Yoder P.O. Box 330 876-4275 Lone Pine, 93545 Secretary Sally Manning 407 B E. Yaney St. 873-3790 Bishop, 93514 Treasurer Scott Hetzler 495 Short St. 873-5326 Bishop, 93514 Membership Kay C. Wylie P.O. Box 775 876-5788 Lone Pine, 93545 Newsletter Mary DeDecker P.O. Box 506 878-2389 Independence, 93526 Conservation Vince Yoder See Above Conservation Mary Ann Henry 329 Perdue Ave. 346-6264 (South) Ridgecrest, 93555 Rare Plants Mary DeDecker See Above Legislation w Open Education Ann Yoder See Above Publicity Pat Crowther 3047 W. Birch St. 873-4565 Bishop, 93514 Field Trips Mark Bagley P.O. Box 1431 873-5326 Bishop, 93514 Poster Sales Vince Yoder See Above General Sales Scott Hetzler See Above Historian Betty Gilchrist Rt. 2, Box 89 876-4517 Lone Pine, 93545 Librarian Evelyn Mae Nikolaus See Above Special Projects Doris Fredendall P.O. Box 146 938-2787 Big Pine, 93513 Hospitality Diane Payne 215 S. Third St. 872-3460 Bishop, 93514 Telephone Tree Bette Sisson Rt. 2,.Box,161 876-5841 Lone Pine, 93545 Green Thumbs Open
Page 3 BOOk REPORTS HALL, CLARENCE A. (ed). 1991. Natural History of the White-Inyo Range, Eastern California, University of California Press: Berkeley. 536 pp. This complete and knowledgeable treatment of the natural history of the glorious range of marmtains to the east of Owens Valley is awelcome addition to the library of any person seeking to understand and enjoy this region. The book consists of 13 chapters, each written by an acknowledged authority in the field, and is organized into 4 sections: physical features, plants, animals, and archeology and anthropology. Part I describes weather and climate, geomorphology, and geologic history. Apageof color plates illustrates familiar and interesting cloud formations, and a fullcolor map in a pocket at the end of the book describes the geology of the central portion of the range. In addition, the black and white photos provide visual information that approximately supplements the text. Of particular interest are a series of road logs that will allow anyone to explore areas of special geologic and botanical interest. Part II covers plant zones, trees, and shrubs and flowering plants. The chapter on plant zones may seem overly simplistic to the cognoscenti of the region, but will no doubt serve as an important introduction to the newcomer. Trees are illustrated with line drawings and black and white photographs, and this chapter includes a key. The chapter on flowering plants and shrubs, written and illustrated by Mary DeDecker, is the most extensive in the book. It includes a plant list organized alphabetically by family and genus, annotated with detailed descriptions of each species. In addition, there is a flower key to all the described species that is organized by form and color, and listed within these two categories by family. Finally, 225 color photographs of flowering plants are presented, each referenced each cross-referenced to the page on which it is described. For this chapter alone, the book is well worth the purchase price. Part III considers insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, breeding birds, and mammals. Each chapter has its own strengths and charms, from the "user-friendly" descriptions of insect taxa to the exquisite drawings that accompany the chapter on birds. Color plates enhance the descriptions of butterflies and reptiles and the distributional maps that accompany the species descriptions of reptiles are an important feature for field use. Part IV consists of a single chapter on archaeology and anthropology. The description of villages lacated in alpine regions above 10,400 feet elevation are particularly intriguing, and represent an important discovery. The book concludes with a complete glossary, which is very helpful in interpreting technical material not in one's own field, and an index. This book is full of reasonably technical information presented in a way that has not seriously sacrificed readability. Many people will turn at once to the chapters that speak to their own immediate interests, but the book can be very profitably and enjoyably read cover to cover as well. It represents an important contribution to the appreciation of the worth and appeal of this region, both scientifically and aesthetically, . . . . . . Karla Scheidlinger
Page 4 John Walton, 1992. Western Times and Water Wars. University of California Press: Berkeley. 378 pp. John Walton's book: Western Times and Water Wars provides an original view of history in the Owens Valley backed by careful and detailed research . . . . . not the usual rehash of past myths or previously held theories. In addition to a cultural history of the Owens Valley from early white settlements to the present, Mr. Walton, a professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of California, Davis, tests and in same cases disproves previous theories on the history of the American West. Although some readers may find some passages regarding theoretical discussions of social development difficult to understand or "dry", for the serious student of history in the Ovens Valley, this book is a must. American knowledge and labor by settlers unfamiliar with irrigation in arid environments. It is evident that much of the success of early homesteaders can be attributed to the cooperation of Native Americans. Another enlightening aspect of early pioneer society Walton examines was the use of arson in the settlement af disputes, registering protests, etc. After documenting many examples, Walton concludes arson was a tolerated and accepted method of law enforcement. Even though there appeared to be general knowledge regarding the identity of the arsonist, arrests were rare. Soon after the turn of the century, the Owens Valley entered into what Walton identifies a period of community rebellion. Reacting to the water gathering activities and attempted domination by the City of Los Angeles over all aspects of Owens Valley life, a number of local responses are chronicled. Bombings of the aqueduct, petitions, town meetings, etc., are analyzed from the standpoint of local actions responding to "colonialism". The last period examined begins in the 1970's when the country recognized our responsiblity to the environment with the passage of the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Walton observes that this movement has provided the people of the Owens Valley with the support of the larger community (state and federal authority) and a potential means for local control. Walton brings us to the present with the development of the long-term management agreement to which he offers this opinion: "The agreement settles for too little by way of environmental restoration" (pg. 284), a statement with which many of us will heartily agree and hope to remedy. The book is available at the Eastern California Museum as well as in bookstores throughout the Eastern Sierra. . . . . . . . . Kathy Barnes CONSERVATION CORNER Legislative Alert -- The California Desert Protection Act, although passed by the House, is lanquishing in The Senate. Time to act! Please send a letter to Senator Seymour asking him to get together with Senator Cranston to get the Bill, S21, Through the Senate at once. Tell him that you support the national park proposals and why the desert protection act is of high priority to you. Do it now.
Page 5 The Honorable Senator John Seymour Senate Office Building Washington, D,C,, 20510
In a lighter vein, the BLM is commencing work on a new planning effort, The West Mojave Coordinated Management Plan. It will focus upon the desert tortoise, the Mojave ground squirrel and other sensitive wildlife and plant species native to the Western Mojave Region. The BLM, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the California Department of Fish and Game comprise the multiagency team which will produce the Plan. A Working Group has been formed which will provide citizen and official agency input. Our interest in multi-species planning for bio-diversity and as a desert plan advocacy group is being represented by Mark Faull, Ranger with the Red Rock Canyon State Park as principal member, and with yours truly as his alternate. As much public involvement as posible is being sought so that all important issues and concerns will be included in the study. When completed it will become an Amendment to the existing California Desert Conservation Area Plan of 1980. A joint EIR/EIS will be issued which will cover all the requirements of CEQA/NEPA law. "The Plan will not be a federal plan per se: it will be a multi-agency plan that meets the needs of, and is adopted by, the participating local, state, and federal agencies. The Plan will be a multi-functional plan that contains a comprehensive set of decisions directing long-term management of the target species within the planning area. It will be designed to meet the requirements of, and function as, a Habitat Conservation Plan in the state and federal permit applications for private, local, county, and state organizations and will function as a biological assesment for federal agency consultants." The draft plan is scheduled for public review by the fail of 1992 and final plan adoption by the summer of 1993. . . . . . Vince Yoder Co-Chairman, Conservation
WATER The March newsletter will carry a full up-to-date report on the status of water negotiations. In the meantime, as president of the Owens Valley Committee (CVC), I can give you some of the background and say that Los Angeles is willing to negotiate on some of the shortcomings of the EIR. Environmental organizations in Owens Valley have been united in supporting the long term water management agreement approved by Inyo County and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), but the EIR is considered inadequate and unprofessional. The Third Appellate Court, back in 1973, groundwater pumping turned down the first EIR by the LADWP. At the same time the court restricted groundwater pumping until an adequate EIR would be presented. A second effort in the 1970's was also turned down by the court as inadequate. The third and present one seems no better to us, but the court's approval of the water agreement may hinge on it. The right to file Am1cus Curiae briefs in the case has been granted to the Sierra Club, the Owens Valley Committee, The California Department of Fish and Game, and the local Indian organization. This has brought on another period of negotiations. The Los Angeles DWP is eager to prevent any challenge to the EIR. So they now have an opportunity to satisfy critcisms, hopefully to the point that the above named parties will not feel it necessary to file briefs of opposition, it gives us hope that serious flaws may be corrected.
Page 6 The Owens Valley Committee (OVC) organized and incorporated in 1983 to deal with water matters. It was motivated by the fear that the county would enter into the unsound agreement being considered at that time. It is not a membership organization, but a core of dedicated local citizens with appropriate field of expertise. Our representative in the present negotiations is Carla Scheidlinger . . . . . . Mary DeDecker
NEW MEMBERS Please welcome the following to our our Chapter Hope Hamilton, Victorville Jeannie A. Stillwell. Ridgcrest REPORT ON NEWSLETTER - Prepared by Membership Chairman, Kay C. Wiley: 1) Subscriptions = 21 (18 in California) - Other States include: Kansas, Idaho, and Oregon. No change from 1991. 2) 32 distributed within CNPS (+1) 3) 16 distributed to other organizations. FIELD TRIPS - We have not yet received a field trip schedule, but can report that a March trip, probably to Death Valley, is being considered. Indications are that it will be a good flower season. ON A POSITIVE NOTE WE QUOTE FROM A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Amidst fast change. there's a stability of love. Amidst unpredictability, there's a certainty of hope. Amidst adversity, there's conviction of a better tomorrow. The small candle shines brighter, The feeble voice calls louder, The lonely protester grows into a crowd... The impossible dream will become a reality; Freedom and health and happiness for all people on this earth . Later than needed, sooner than expected. Let's all help, harder than ever! . . . . . Kay and Mike Kami
Page 7 CALIFORNIA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY: BRISTLECONE CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP REPORT JANUARY 1992 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP: 149* *(In addition 14 members are less than six months past renewal) DIFFERENCE FROM JANUARY 1991 REPORT: UP .5% BY GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: 1) LOCAL (Inyo-Mono-Ridgecrest) = 61% (Down 1%) 2) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA = 11% (Up 1%) 3) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA = 10% (Down 2%) 4) OUT-OF STATE = 17% (Up 2%) - Nevada = 5% (No Change) - Other States include: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, Utah & Wisconsin 5) OUT-OF-COUNTRY = 1% - Canada BY MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY: 1) INDIVIDUAL = 58% (Up 2%) 2) COUPLE/FAMILY/GROUP = 20% (Up 6%) 3) STUDENTS = 1% (Down 2%) 4) RETIRED INDIVIDUAL = 7% (Down 4%) 5) RETIRED COUPLE = 3.5% (Down 6.5) 6) SUPPORTING = 7% (Up 2%) 7) PLANT LOVER = 1% (Up 1%) 7) LIFE = 2% (Up 1.5%) 8) LIBRARY = .5% (No Change) |