1993-1995 Scrapbook Images

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DeDeckera Canyon

Francis Muirhead and Phyllis Faber (editor of Fremontia, examining Hecastocleis shockleyi), both form Marin chapter of CNPS.

May 27, 1994

Eastside of the Inyo Mountains

Special trip looking for “Teufel Canyon” and Caulostramina jaegeri. Mary DeDecker pictured.

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August 6, 1994

Onion Valley

Corrine Gray, Richard Potashin, Kathy Duvall, Sara Sahl

Feb. 18, 1995

Winter Trees in Rock Creek Canyon

From left to right: Steve Ingram, Sally Manning, Scott Hetzler, Karen Ferrell

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April 5, 1995

Darwin Falls Trip

Betty Gilchrist, Doris Fredendall, Scott Hetzler, and Vince Yoder admire a Panamint Daisy found in Wildrose Canyon.

April 5, 1995

Darwin Falls

Tom Heindel, Keith Andrews, Doris Chretin

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May 27-28, 1995

Death Valley

Enroute to the Race Track discovery of Enceliopsis nudicaulis var corrugata. A first for California!

July 1,1995

Glass Creek

A search for specimens.

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July 7, 1995

McGee Canyon

Charlotte Harbeson  searching for specimens.

July 15, 1995

Whippoorwill Flat

Admiring Penstemon floridus and Dalea searlsiae.

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April 20, 1995

Union Wash located at the southern end of the Inyo Mountains.

March 22,1995

Death Valley Field Trip

Titus Canyon

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March 22,1995

Death Valley Field Trip

Titus Canyon



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