Renewable Energy Issues

Greg Suba at State CNPS with the DRECP - a monumental task to read and comment on!
Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP)
March 2015 Update
On February 23rd, the Bristlecone Chapter and CNPS State-level submitted comments to the California Energy Commission on the Draft Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan. In summary, we expressed why we can not support this version of the draft DRECP because of serious flaws that we believe prevent the draft Plan from providing sufficient conservation for desert native plant species and communities given the scope of development proposed. We articulate our concerns herein, and feel the Plan will need to undergo significant revision in order to address the breadth of concerns that we and others have.
A letter edited to remove figures for a more manageable file size is available here:
CNPS Comments on Draft DRECP - No Figures (PDF, 390Kb)
The full 52 page letter with the CNPS comments is available here to review:
CNPS Comments on Draft DRECP (PDF, 7Mb)
Letter from NGOs on "DRECP NEPA/CEQA; Comments on Draft Agreement by and between the Bureau of Land Management and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife" (Durability MOU)
Conservation Alerts, November 2014 - Updated April 2015
Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP)
The DEIS is out and it is huge (8000 + pages) and cumbersome. The document is available for review or download at, local libraries and our Bishop BLM office. The 90 day comment period ends on January 9, 2015!!! Instructions on how to submit comments are on the DRECP website.
A good way to start your review process is to review the following (See
- Executive Summary (60 pages!)
- All Maps for visual comparison of Alternatives and locational information
- Preferred Alternative (450 pages)
- Appendices B, C, D, H – and all others that you are concerned about
Time is short for public input on this document – feel free to contact Julie Anne Hopkins, (831) 566-6012 with questions.
Inyo County Renewable Energy General Plan Amendment (REGPA)
UPDATE, April, 2015: The DEIR on the Inyo County Renewable Energy General Plan Amendment (REGPA) was approved by the Inyo Co Board of Supervisors in March. The plan minimizes or eliminates areas originally designated for industrialized solar development and completely removes wind development. To read a detailed report on the meeting check out the following:
November 2014: Remember the REGPA? The Bristlecone Chapter and CNPS State submitted our scoping comments and we are still waiting for the Draft Environmental Impact Report to be released. The Inyo County Renewable Energy General Plan Amendment (REGPA) was released
on November 5th, Comment period closes on December 19, 2014 **the County approved a request for an extended comment period. The new deadline is January 14, 2015 – COB.
Three (3) public meetings for General Plan Amendment 2013-02 have been scheduled for:
December 2, 5:30-7:00 – Bishop City Hall Council Chambers
301 West Line Street, Bishop 93514
December 3, 5:00 – 6:30 – Statham Hall, Lone Pine
138 Jackson Street, Lone Pine 93545
December 4, 5:00-6:30 – Tecopa Community Center
405 Tecopa Hot Springs Road, Tecopa 92389
A Public Hearing is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday December 3, 2014, beginning at 10:00am, during the regular Planning Commission meeting held in the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 224 Edwards Street, Independence. The Inyo County Renewable Energy General Plan Amendment (REGPA) was released
on November 5th, Comment period closes on December 19, 2014 **the County approved a request for an extended comment period. The new deadline is January 14, 2015 – COB. The public meetings and hearing will provide the public the opportunity to comment on General Plan Amendment 2013-02 (REGPA). For updates, check the County website at
The deadline for written comments is presently December 19, 2014 **the County approved a request for an extended comment period. The new deadline is January 14, 2015 – COB. A number of groups have asked for an extension of the comment deadline into the new year (most groups asked for 45 days to bring the comment period to a total of 90 days). Staff say they are under their own deadline pressures but we should ask for more time nonetheless, given that the document is 800+ pages and addresses a complex topic. CNPS scoping comments available here.
It is important to keep in mind that the REGPA and DRECP are two separate planning documents/efforts. They will not be combined into one document. To help protect the pristine qualities, rare plants and plant communities, animal habitat, and rich cultural values of our beautiful Inyo county, all of our comments are vitally important. Contact Julie Anne Hopkins, (831) 566-6012 with questions.
Owens Valley Solar Development Study
Although the proposed Owens Valley solar energy development areas (SEDAs) were removed from the REGPA planning they are not “gone.” Inyo county planning department will begin working on the Study this coming December, 2014 – January, 2014. Check the website for scheduling – there should be a public comment opportunity that will follow release.