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People Behind the Names of Eastern Sierra Native Plants

Also see Celebrating 150 Years of Inyo County Botany (poster) from the CNPS talk in December 2016 by Bruce Baldwin.

Short Historical Essays by Larry Blakely

Note: all of these appeared in the Bristlecone Chapter newsletter previously, and are also available on Larry Blakely's Cal Poly Pomona page, here:

Constantine Rafinesque (and a little bit on Thomas Nuttall and Asa Gray)

California Chicory, Rafinesquia californica Nutt.; Desert Chicory, Rafinesquia neomexicana A. Gray

Washington Matthews

Desert Calico, Loeseliastrum matthewsii (A. Gray) S. Timbrook; Bushy Bedstraw, Galium matthewsii A. Gray

Stafford Wallace Austin

Austin's Beardtongue, Penstemon floridus var. austinii (Eastw.) N. Holmgren

Thomas Nuttall

Large white desert primrose, Oenothera caespitosa Nutt.; Desert olive, Forestiera pubescens Nutt.; Nuttall's linanthus, Linanthus nuttallii (A. Gray) Milliken

Edwin James

Cliffbush, Jamesia americana Torr. & A. Gray

Charles Christopher Parry

Yellow tackstem, Calycoseris parryi A. Gray; Sand blossoms, Linanthus parryae (A. Gray) E. Greene

George Tradescant Lay

White tidy-tips (white layia), Layia glandulosa (Hook.) Hook. & Arn.

Charles Lewis Anderson

Anderson's Buttercup, Ranunculus andersonii Gray; Desert Peach, Prunus andersonii Gray

Alice Eastwood

Eastwood's willow, Salix eastwoodiae Cockerell ex A.A. Heller; Toothed gilia, Aliciella triodon (Eastw.) Brand; Broad-leafed gilia, Aliciella latifolia (S. Watson) J. M. Porter

Josiah Gregg

Desert Ceanothus, Ceanothus greggii A. Gray var. vestitus (E. Greene) McMinn

Father John J. Crowley, Mary DeDecker, C. P. Smith

DeDecker's Lupine, Lupinus padre-crowleyi C. P. Smith

Joseph Banks, John Richardson

Twinberry Honeysuckle, Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks

John Milton Bigelow, MD

Bigelow's Monkeyflower, Mimulus bigelovii (A. Gray) A. Gray var. cuspidatus A.L. Grant

A Bibliography

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