2006 DeDecker Botanical Grant Awards
The Bristlecone Chapter of the California Native Plant Society has recently awarded these grants for botanical projects. The Mary DeDecker Botanical Grant Program annually awards funding for projects that increase the understanding and appreciation of our region’s unique native flora.
Local project recipients are:
Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserve (VESR) Native Plant Project, submitted by Leslie Dawson and Sherry Taylor. Objectives include to enhance Mammoth Elementary School biological science curriculum through hands on learning, continue the current VESR Native Plant Project curriculum, diversify the plants in the VESR nursery, expand the Project to include an adult component. As a final project, the students will restore a site with multiple species of plants.
Graduate Student project recipients are:
QUANTITATIVE MORPHOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY OF ERIASTRUM WOOTON AND STANDLEY (POLEMONIACEAE: LOESELIEAE), submitted by Sarah J. De Groot , Graduate Student at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont Graduate University. Read her Progress Report [PDF]; Read an Update [PDF].
PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF ERIOGONOIDEAE (POLYGONACEA) USING MOLECULAR, ANATOMICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE, submitted by Elizabeth Kempton, Graduate Student, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont Graduate University. Read her Progress Report [PDF]
“Monitoring of vegetation change above tree line in the White Mountains of California: Is global change taking place?” submitted by Linah Ababneh, Graduate Student, University of Arizona
Buy a Plant, Fund a Grant
Karen Ferrell-Ingram the California Native Plant Sale Chairperson stated that proceeds from the annual September Native plant sale fund the DeDecker Grants. The grant program is a fitting way to remember Mary DeDecker’s many contributions to the people and plants of the Eastern Sierra.