Plants of Local Interest:
These are locally found plants with special status or rarity rankings on the CNPS California Rare Plant Ranking System. You may look up more information in the CNPS Rare and Endangered Plant Inventory. Click a thumbnail for more information:
Abronia alpina Ramshaw Meadows Abronia |
Boechera shockleyi Shockley's Rock Cress |
Calochortus excavatus Inyo County Star-tulip |
Dedeckera eurekensis July Gold |
Erythranthe calcicola Limestone Monkeyflower |
Diplacus rupicola Death Valley Monkeyflower |
Oenothera caetspitosa ssp. crinita
Limestone Evening-primrose |
Oenothera californica ssp. eurekensis
Eureka Dunes Evening-primrose |
Pinus balfouriana Foxtail Pine |
Pinus longaeva Bristlecone Pine |
Sclerocactus polyancistrus Mojave Fish-hook Cactus |
Sidalcea covillei
Owens Valley Checkerbloom |
Swallenia alexandrae Eureka Valley Dune Grass |
Plant Lists
Plant lists for a few local areas are available on our Plant Checklists page. More will be added as they are submitted to the website.
Mary's Notes Plant Database Project: One of our chapter members, Michèle Slaton, is working on collecting and creating a Bristlecone Chapter Flora and plant database, starting with Mary DeDecker's own notes and adding from plant lists created by chapter members over the years. We are working on making the database available online, but you can currently contribute and retrieve plant lists from the database by submitting a request. Read more about the project, "Mary's Notes," here.
Wildflower Hotspots
Google Group - share what is blooming and where and when with your fellow native plant lovers in our new wildflower hotspots Google Group! We need more participants to make it a fully functioning group - you can just post reports, or also include photos.
Wildflower Hotspots of the Eastern Sierra - Inyo National Forest Publication. Available at visitor centers in the eastern Sierra, and now you can also download a pdf version here. The Bristlecone chapter helped fund a part of this booklet, and it is very well-done! Be sure to check it out:
Wildflower Hot Spots of the Eastern Sierra highlights the unique ecology, geology, and unparalleled flora along 150 miles of the Eastern Sierra corridor. Twelve wildflower sites have been selected to represent the diversity of environments that are found throughout the Eastern Sierra. Each site features directions, a map, GPS coordinates, a description of the natural history of the area, and photos. Topics you can learn about include plant rarity, disturbance processes, and the many ways people use plants. "Can You Find…?" proposes a fun challenge for you and your family. For a more in-depth look at the species found at each site, use the plant list featured in the back of this guide. Take the time to stop and smell the flowers in this extraordinary Eastern Sierra region!
Plants for your Garden
Plant some Natives in your own backyard — come to our Native Plant Sales and help support the Bristlecone Chapter of the CNPS. See our sortable database of species that have been available at our plant sales for ideas of what to expect.
See Flora of the Northern Mojave Desert and Buckwheats of the Eastern Sierra for more nice photo galleries by former Bristlecone Chapter president and nature photographer Stephen Ingram on the CNPS statewide site.
Plant Information
WHO'S IN A NAME? People Behind the Names of Eastern Sierra Native Plants - Short Historical Essays by Larry Blakely
Apply for a Mary DeDecker Botanical Grant to contribute to our knowledge of Eastern Sierra Native Plants.